Online game Isoball 3. Play online free game Isoball 3. Download game Isoball 3. Games Logic -

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Improved third version of the game, adding new elements, more complex levels. The essence of the game: you have to throw the ball into the hole.

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Game Isoball 3 online

Game Description Isoball 3 online. How to play the game online Improved third version of the game, adding new elements, more complex levels. The essence of the game: you have to throw the ball into the hole. To do this, build a structure made of elements that are in the slots at the bottom of the screen. One click of the left mouse button - select shapes, double click - Turn. Use \ \"ERASE \\", to remove the figure from the field into the slot, and click \ \"CLEAR \\", to remove all the pieces from the board.
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